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JLID - Biking and Walking to School

Book: J

Section: Students

Title: Biking and Walking to School

Code: JLID

Status: Active

Adopted: January 24, 2012



Portland Public Schools supports biking and walking as transportation to and from school where there are adequate facilities to do so safely, including, though not limited to sidewalks, paved shoulders, and/or bike lanes.


The district regards walking or the riding of bicycles to school as an assumption of responsibility by students and their parents – a responsibility in the care of property, in the observation of safety rules, and in the display of courtesy and consideration towards others.  The district assumes no liability for injuries occurring outside school property.  The School District and its employees are not liable for any equipment or property theft or damage.


The district shall conduct programs to make students aware of walking and biking rules and conditions and the safety reasons for supporting them.  Students who walk or bike to and from school should follow all safety laws and guidelines.


While at school, bikers must comply with these rules:

  1. Bicycles may not be ridden on school grounds during arrival and dismissal times (½ hour before and after school); they must be walked.
  2. Whenever possible, bicycles should be parked in racks provided by the school and locked.
  3. Helmets must be stored with the bike or in another designated area. 
  4. Students may not use or tamper with other students’ bicycles or equipment.


While at school, walkers must comply with these rules:

  1. Use available crosswalks.
  2. If crossing guides are available, cross where guides are located.
  3. Do not cross the street between parked cars.


The Superintendent is authorized to enter into partnerships with the City of Portland, and other applicable local, state, and federal agencies to address and leverage support for safe walking and biking to school.  Schools completing School Travel Plans will be prioritized for walking and biking resources, proposals, projects, and assistance.


JLID - Biking and Walking to School.pdf (13 KB)


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