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KCE - Alignment with Education Foundation

Book: K

Section: School-Community Relations

Title: Alignment with Education Foundation

Code: KCE

Status: Active

Adopted: June 16, 2015




The Portland Board of Public Education supports the work of the Portland Education Foundation, a private, non-profit corporation the purpose of which is to raise private funds to enhance the educational opportunities for present and future students in Portland Public Schools.


The Board authorizes the Superintendent will cooperate with the Foundation to further its efforts in support of public education in Portland, including fund-raising efforts and communication with staff, parents, students and the public.


The Board authorizes the Superintendent to serve as an ex-officio member of the Foundation Board of Directors. The Superintendent is further authorized to enter into agreements with the Foundation consistent with this policy, and the memorandum of understanding.


The Board intends that funding received from the Portland Education Foundation will not be designated as revenue for budgeting purposes and will not be used to supplant funding for existing programming. The Superintendent is authorized to determine whether restricted conditional gifts from the Foundation shall be accepted.


All funds received and managed by the Foundation must be segregated from School Department accounts and shall remain under the custody and control of the Foundation until donated to the School Department. The Foundation shall be solely responsible for its compliance with all State and federal laws pertaining to non-profit 501(c)(3) corporations.


KCE - Alignment with Education Foundation.pdf (7 KB)