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KFD-3 - Building Use Rental Procedures

Book: K

Section: School-Community Relations

Title: Building Use Rental Procedures

Code: KFD-3

Status: Active


Portland Public Schools

Building Use/Rental Procedures

October 2014


  1. The primary function of school facilities is to serve the educational needs of the Portland Public Schools.  The Portland Board of Public Education wishes to make these facilities available for broader community use when they are not in use for school purposes.  These administrative procedures have been developed to implement Board policy. 


  1. Any individual or group that wishes to use Portland Public Schools’ facilities needs to submit a Building Use Request form (see attachment #1).  The request is typically submitted directly to the particular school where the user would like to hold the event so that the principal can confirm availability of an appropriate space and head custodian can ensure custodial coverage.  Notable exceptions include after hours, weekend and holiday use of East End, Reiche and Riverton Community Schools.  Please contact Portland Recreation at 756-8275 to reserve space at these schools.  (Note:  Any individual or group interested in using Fitzpatrick or Memorial Stadiums; Hadlock Field; Payson Park fields; Kiley softball field; Quinn softball field; Dougherty Field complex; Riverton Community School fields; Deering High School field complex; Lyman Moore fields; Deering Oaks baseball field; Preble Street fields; Fox Street field; East End Community School softball field; all tennis, basketball, and volleyball courts; and any city owned athletic facility should contact the City’s Athletic Facilities Manager at 756-8275x207.) 


  1. Space is assigned based on the priorities established in the Portland Board of Public Education’s Policy KF-Community Use of School Facilities (see excerpt at attachment #2).


  1. Building Use/Rental fees are determined using the matrix at attachment #3. Fees vary based on priority; date, time of use and season, and whether or not special services such as security are required.  The Portland Public Schools reserve the right to request a deposit of up to 50% of the estimated rental fee in advance of use.  Said deposit will be applied to the user’s final bill.  In the event that the requester opts not to use the facility and has already made a deposit, the deposit will be returned minus a processing fee. 


  1. All non-school sponsored users are required to provide liability insurance and to pay for custodial support if required.


  1. All building use requests are processed to the District Office for consideration, action and programming by the Facilities Department.


  1. All non-school users will be asked to sign a contract (see sample contract at attachment #4) and provide liability insurance.


  1. All building users should have a school contact to confirm access arrangements prior to their event.


  1. Those individuals or groups required to pay for building use will be invoiced per the building use/rental fee matrix as stipulated in their contracts (see example of completed building use form, contract and invoice at attachment #5).


  1. Any concerns regarding the condition of the facility or invoice should be addressed to the Facilities Director. If not satisfied by the Facilities Director’s response, building users can appeal to the Deputy Chief Operations Officer.     The Superintendent/Designee’s decision shall be the final.


KFD-3 - Building Use Rental Procedures.pdf (63 KB)