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KHC - Flyer Distribution Policy

Book: K

Section: School-Community Relations

Title: Flyer Distribution Policy

Code: KHC

Status: Active

Adopted: January 21, 2004



Students should not be used to distribute or carry home materials that are not directly related to school programs, school curriculum, and/or school-related activities for students.  Only the following materials may be distributed to be carried home by students:


            A.        Official communications from the School Committee, Superintendent, Administrators, and school staff such as newsletters, letters to parents, meeting or event announcements, school forms, and classroom information;


            B.        Information and notices concerning school-sponsored activities and programs for students and/or parents;


            C.        Information and notices concerning activities and programs offered by groups affiliated and recognized by the Portland Public Schools (such as parent-teacher groups and booster clubs);


            D.        Information and notices from the Portland Recreation Program, city, state, and federal agencies regarding programs available for students;


            E.         Information and notices concerning activities and programs offered by youth oriented and civic oriented organizations, provided that every such organization place a notice on their flyers indicating that the views of that particular organization are not necessarily the views of the Portland Public Schools system.


Once, near the beginning of the school year, Portland Public Schools will distribute a flyer to all students stating the non-discrimination policy of Portland Public Schools. Policy AC states that discrimination against students because of race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, ancestry or national origin, or disability is prohibited.  The flyer will also state that because the Portland Public Schools distributes flyers for civic and youth oriented organizations, it must by law distribute flyers for all civic and youth oriented organizations, even those who do not comply with our non-discrimination policy.


Cross References

AC - Nondescrimination-Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action

KHC - Flyer Distribution Policy.pdf (13 KB)