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KJA - HS Athletic Booster Clubs and Public Gifts to Athletic Programs

Book: K

Section: School-Community Relations

Title: HS Athletic Booster Clubs and Public Gifts to Athletic Programs

Code: KJA

Status: Active

Adopted: November 1, 2006

Last Revised: September 13, 2011





  1. High School Athletic Booster Clubs


The Portland Public Schools must ensure compliance with state and federal laws that require equitable opportunities and treatment of students participating in athletics.  To that end, the School Board has established two school-wide athletic booster clubs: the Portland High School Athletic Booster Club (aka Blue/White Club) and the Deering High School Athletic Booster Club (aka Purple/White Club).  The purposes of the Athletic Booster Clubs are to promote athletics consistent with the educational philosophy of the Portland Public Schools and to enhance athletic programs on a school-wide basis with funding, volunteers and moral support for our student-athletes.

The Athletic Booster Clubs are entities of the Portland Public Schools and remain under the control and direction of the Portland Public Schools at all times.  The Superintendent is authorized to establish any necessary administrative procedures and guidelines needed to maintain appropriate financial and operational oversight of the Athletic Booster Clubs.


  1. Public Gifts to Athletic Programs        


The Portland Public Schools appreciate the generosity of individuals or groups who wish to make gifts to the high school athletic programs.  The provision of equitable opportunities and treatment of students participating in athletics will be a significant factor in deciding whether or not a particular gift may be accepted.   The following are requirements:


  1. All proposed gifts must be submitted to the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee for review.


  1. Gifts of money may be made to the Portland Public Schools on behalf of the athletic program as a whole; to the Portland High School Athletic Booster Club; or to the Deering High School Athletic Booster Club. 


  1. Individuals or groups interested in donating equipment, supplies or facilities are encouraged to consider gifts that will benefit the student body as a whole.


  1. Gifts of equipment, supplies or equipment for particular teams cannot be accepted if they will create inequities among teams in accordance with Title IX requirements.


  1. Coaches are not permitted to accept gifts of any kind or amount directly from individuals or groups other than from one of the Portland Public Schools Athletic Booster Clubs.


  1. Any gift that requires the endorsement of a product or business, or that includes advertising, must comply with applicable School Board policies.


  1. The School Board shall be notified of all approved gifts.


  1. Records of all gifts will be kept in accordance with established procedures.



20-A MRSA § 4005


Cross References

AC - Nondescrimination-Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action

KCD - Gifts from the Public

KHB - Commercialism in the Schools

KJA - HS Athletic Booster Clubs and Public Gifts to Athletic Programs.pdf (16 KB)