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KLMA - Military Recruitment and Other Post-Secondary Opportunity Info Access

Book: K

Section: School-Community Relations

Title: Military Recruitment and Other Post-Secondary Opportunity Info Access

Code: KLMA

Status: Active

Adopted: December 7, 2005

Last Revised: November 18, 2014





The Portland Public Schools value post-secondary options for students that lead to productive citizenship.  The mission of Portland Public Schools is “Assuring that all students are learning for their future.”  As a result, our public schools recognize the benefit to our students of receiving information concerning post-secondary employment opportunities as well as opportunities at institutions of higher education, and in the military.


In accordance with the following guidelines, Portland Public Schools therefore welcomes individuals and entities with information about post-secondary opportunities into our schools:


  • Each school shall designate one area for post-secondary informational activities.  Included in this area are flyers, applications, contact information and information regarding career fairs and visits from institutions/organizations.  Additional areas of the school may be designated for large group recruitments or fairs.


  • No one institution/organization may visit a high school more than seven (7) times per academic year.  The Principal may adjust the number of visits based on special circumstances.  


  • Members of the Armed Forces, National Guard and public safety officials are permitted by Maine law to wear their uniforms when visiting public high schools in their official capacities.


 In accordance with federal law, Portland High School, Deering High School and Casco Bay High School provide notice to parents/legal guardians that they may request that contact information for their child not be provided to military recruiters and/or post-secondary institutions without their prior consent.  This notice shall be provided to parents/legal guardians of high school students on an annual basis.  Parents/legal guardians may submit such a written request at any time during the year, but it cannot be retroactive.


Cross References

JRA - Student Education Records & Information

KLMA - Military Recruitment and Other Post-Secondary Opportunity Info Access.pdf (12 KB)