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Charting a Course for a High School for the Future

The Portland Public Schools is charting a course for a High School for the Future with fantastic facilities providing students with a rigorous academic, career and technical education high school experience that propels them into a future full of opportunities. Our overall vision includes building on the strengths of our existing high schools to have:

  • More pre-college, dual enrollment, and Advanced Placement courses as well as diverse and advanced electives.
  • Integrated career and technical education to open up both academic and career pathways.
  • Co-location on site with higher education partners University of Southern Maine and Southern Maine Community College to provide courses, degrees or licensure.
  • Industry training by community businesses and business organizations leading to recognized licensure and certification.
  • State-of-the-art facilities for science labs, makerspaces, outdoor classrooms, community centers, athletic facilities and enhanced resources for visual and performing arts.
  • An Advisory Body integrated with the local economy (which would include  students, citizens, business leaders, teachers, parents and partner organizations) to promote employment opportunities for students and a skilled workforce optimal for economic development.

There are challenges ahead and realizing our vision will take many years and will require intensive community engagement among all stakeholders. However, the potential for positive change in the educational experiences of our students is so great that we have made High School for the Future an essential initiative in our Strategic Plan. 

Two Different Pathways for Potential State Funding:


Major Capital Construction Funding Opportunity

In August 2024, PPS submitted major capital construction applications to the state for Casco Bay/PATHS, Deering and Portland high schools. If any of our high schools is awarded state funding, we would then begin community-wide engagement on whether the new construction would be for just that school or involve consolidation of our other high schools. 



Integrated, Consolidated 9-16 Educational Facilities Program Funding Opportunity

In June 2025, PPS will apply for the state’s new Integrated, Consolidated 9-16 Educational Facilities Program Funding Opportunity, proposing a cutting edge, grades 9-16 learning environment, housing educational facilities that integrate high school academics and career and technical education, a higher education center, industry training, and adult education. Work with the community to develop a prototype is underway. If PPS is awarded state funding, deeper community engagement to develop a final model and site would begin.

We are currently working with our community in an engagement and design process to develop a prototype. We encourage our community to be a part of creating that prototype.

If we are awarded a share of the revolving $150 million that the state has in its major construction fund, we would engage in further and deeper community engagement to develop a final model, which only then would include such factors as determining a location.

CLick here for multiple opportunities this fall to get involved

Charting the Course

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A core belief of the Portland Public Schools is that “all students deserve to have a challenging, relevant, joyful education that empowers every learner to thrive in an ever-changing world.” Learn more about a future where every student thrives:

Portrait of a Graduate

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Portrait of a School Community

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