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School Safety

The Portland Public Schools is committed to the safety and welfare of our students, our staff and visitors in our schools. To ensure that everyone is prepared in the event of an emergency, the district is enhancing its procedures, frameworks and training related to student and staff safety. Our multilayered approach, outlined in our School Safety and Prevention Frameworks, aims to support a more comprehensive approach to ensuring safety, increasing efficiency and effectiveness of staff responses when issues arise, and ensuring compliance with state and local policy. In our safety planning and procedures, the Portland Public Schools works closely and collaboratively with the Portland Police Department.

We are enhancing our safety protocols for the 2023-2024 school year. To ensure schools are proactively prepared to handle the threat of an intruder or active shooter, all staff will be trained in the ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) framework.

Find FAQs related to ALICE

Each of our schools and Central Office will teach these strategies in an age appropriate way and perform various safety drills throughout the year, including fire, evacuation and lockdown. Schools will notify families prior to these drills. We encourage parents/guardians to check in their students about drills and reinforce their  importance, and to let your child’s school know if you have any concerns. 

PPS School Safety and Prevention Frameworks

Portland Public Schools is enhancing its procedures, frameworks and training related to student and staff safety. This multi-layered work aims to support a more comprehensive approach to ensuring safety, increasing efficiency and effectiveness of staff responses when issues arise, and ensuring compliance with state and local policy. 

Terms and Procedures for a School Emergency

In the event of a school emergency situation, the district and school staff may use the following terms to ensure a common language. These terms are also used by local law enforcement.