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Curriculum & Instruction

All students can achieve at high levels, engage with grade level content and have identities, experiences, choice and voice. We believe all students should be actively engaged in their learning.

Here are the essential elements of what we believe constitutes effective instruction:

Inclusive Classroom Environment

Teachers and students build relationships and knowledge together towards an inclusive classroom environment.


Active Learning 

Students are actively engaged in their own learning through inquiry, problem solving, discourse, phenomena, case studies, proficiency-based teaching, and cultural humility.


High Expectations

Belief that all students, through scaffolds and productive struggle, can reach standards-aligned, grade-level content. Our outcomes are equitable.

Cultural responsiveness

Teachers bring cultural humility to their teaching, and use curriculum and instruction that reflects and values students' cultures, languages, and identities


Assets-Based Approach

Students are critical learners who have identities, voice and agency. Educators view all students, especially those who may have experienced marginalization, through an asset lens: What gifts do you bring?

Team Approach  

Special Educator, EL Teacher, Coach, Classroom Teacher, & Ed Tech working collaboratively to ensure all students have access to high quality, grade-level instruction and curriculum.


Assessments for Learning

Assessments are primarily used for student and teacher reflection and taking action based on the data in order to close opportunity gaps, and are a driver of increasing access for all students to grade-level content.