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English/Language Arts Instruction

The purpose of Literacy Instruction is to help students develop strength and skill as communicators, readers, thinkers and learners. When students, parents, and community members speak about what they most want children to gain from their schooling, communication skills are at the top of the list because strong communication and literacy skills can empower young people in every area of their lives. In our vision, graduates of Portland Public Schools use speaking and writing skills to express themselves, to communicate professionally, to advocate for themselves, and to voice their opinions in the public sphere. They use reading and listening skills to engage as life-long learners, to educate themselves about issues that affect their lives, to pursue higher education or training, and to be informed citizens.
Preparing students to achieve high levels of literacy requires teachers and students to engage with complex texts of many types, by a wide variety of authors. Students must practice seeking to understand different voices and viewpoints, some that serve as mirrors reflecting their own identities, some that serve as windows to other lives. They must also be given many opportunities to  pursue the answers to questions that matter to them, and to articulate and support their own ideas and interpretations.  Supporting students in this kind of work requires the guiding principles and practices described below:

At PPS, we believe in exposing students to relevant, pertinent texts which can help them make sense of their worlds -- and grant them access to other cultures. We give students the tools and resources they need to refine their reading and writing abilities so that they can share what they know with the world. 


Guiding Principles:

  • PPS students regularly engage in inquiry - asking questions, seeking out information, developing a lens of criticality, and building informed opinions.

  • PPS students will have abundant opportunities in many subject areas at each grade level to make sense of complex texts and challenging content through productive struggle.

  • PPS students explore their identities and the experiences, histories, and viewpoints of others. 

  • PPS students will develop speaking, writing, reading, listening, communication and visual literacy skills in all classes or content areas.  (literacy skills)






  • Teachers engage students in meaningful and relevant learning that cultivates critical thinking skills.
  • Teachers teach many strategies and tools for evaluating sources of information and help students learn to think about power and equity when reviewing sources.
  • Teachers guide students through the process of inquiry, giving them chances to develop their own questions and seek information.
  • Teachers cultivate a classroom environment that enables students to experience the joy of grappling with challenging material, connecting with others, and having fun while learning.

English/Language Arts Standards

PPS students regularly engage in inquiry - asking questions, seeking out information, developing a lens of criticality, and building informed opinions.


PPS students will have abundant opportunities in many subject areas at each grade level to make sense of complex texts and challenging content through productive struggle.