Title IA supports programs and resources for disadvantaged students. Title IA funding is designed to aid districts in closing the achievement gap by placing highly qualified teachers in classrooms and by providing supplemental services to students. Funds are available to school districts and schools based on a measure of poverty. Title IA identified schools can operate school-wide Title IA programs (SWP) or Title IA targeted assistance programs (TAS). In Title IA school-wide programs, Title IA funds can be combined with state, local, and other federal funds to serve all students in the school. In Title IA targeted assistance programs, Title IA staff provides research-based supplemental instruction to serve students who have been identified as most at-risk of not meeting state standards.
Federal law requires that a portion of Title IA funds be set aside to engage parents as partners in education, provide services to homeless youth, ensure that all teachers of core subjects meet the federal definition of highly qualified, and provide equitable services to eligible youth in private schools within the district.