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ESSA Parent Information

Strong parent-school partnerships are vital to the success of schools and students. The 2015 Portland Public Schools’ Parent Survey indicated that parents of children at Title I schools are statistically slightly more likely to report that they feel more “welcomed and respected,” that the “teachers set high expectations,” and that their child is “engaged in learning activities.” To continue to build on this success all Title IA school have goals and objectives geared to engage parents and families. Schools conduct parent activities like Parent Academies, Family Math Nights and Family Literacy Nights. Please contact your child’s school to see what activities are planned. The district also sets goals related to parent engagement. For the upcoming school year the district goals are to:

  1. revise the district Parent Involvement Policy to align with school parent compacts and policies
  2. conduct an annual parent survey in 7 languages
  3. evaluate the distribution and utilization of a series of Parent Guidebooks for K-5
  4. support the development of a pilot Bilingual Parent Network
  5. support Partnership Developers at each school to facilitate parent and community engagement