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English Language Development Programming

Multilingual Learners (MLs) are a richly heterogeneous group bringing a wide variety of life situations and a wide range of educational experiences. The paths they take to acquire a new language and to adjust to their new cultural environment are varied and draw on their unique strengths and experiences. The role of our schools is of critical importance in supporting students’ identity development as learners, and in helping students shape a vision of the future in which they will take their place in a global economy. Portland Public Schools is committed to providing appropriate placement, along with curricular, instructional and related services to ensure that all multilingual learners are held to high expectations and are given the opportunity to participate fully and effectively in the schools’ educational programs.

Students who are beginning their English language journey and who have recently arrived in the United States receive direct English language instruction.  In addition, home language and cultural support is given to help students transition to the American school system and to become familiar with school and classroom expectations in a language that they understand.

That was when I started taking learning Spanish more seriously because I got to know the cultures where the language is spoken. I had more of a reason to want to use it, and it connected it to my interest in the arts.

-Teagan Moon,
Seal of Biliteracy recipient, Spanish and English