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Seal of Biliteracy

No matter where students begin their language learning journey, at home or in school, early or late, in Portland or somewhere else in the world, all students will have the opportunity to be proficient in English and at least one other language.  Knowing that the development of literacy in one language is transferable to other languages, the Portland Public Schools has been a leader in the development of and in the number of students being awarded with Maine’s State Seal of Biliteracy.  To find out more about this opportunity that can result in up to eight college credits in the University of Maine system, please:

Visit the MDOE Website

All of my teachers did an amazing job helping me build the steps I needed to reach the point where I am now; they symbolize in my life the first steps I made from a babe that was just crawling in English to a girl that already started walking and could even write a book.

-Ruscirence Dinanga,
Seal of Biliteracy recipient, Portuguese and English