Spanish Immersion and International Baccalaureate
We currently offer Spanish at the elementary level as part of Ocean Avenue Elementary School’s IB program and in Lyseth Elementary’s Spanish Immersion program. Both programs begin language exposure in the early elementary grades and at Lyseth, students in the immersion program are taught content and language simultaneously in Spanish.
Please visit the schools’ websites for more information:
Ocean Avenue Elementary School’s IB prograM
Lyseth Elementary’s Spanish Immersion program
Having the knowledge of Spanish that I have has been an extremely useful and important skill throughout my life. It’s taught me how to make connections with people, how to be adventurous, and how to follow my own passions and goals in life. I would even say at this point it’s part of who I am, not because it’s a heritage language or a symbol of where I come from, but because it’s a second language, a symbol of where I’m going.
-Charlotte Bowder,
Seal of Biliteracy recipient, Spanish and English