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2023-2024 First Day of School Information

The first day of school for students in grades 1-12 is Wednesday, Sept. 6. That day will be a full day of school, not an early release day. Thursday, Sept. 7, is the start date for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students.

Originally, the 2023-2024 calendar had called for students in grades 1-12 to start the new school year on Sept. 5, 2023. However, at its June 20 meeting, the Board of Public Education approved an adjustment to the 2023-2024 school year calendar that makes Tuesday, Sept. 5, a day for staff training and moves the first day of school for students in grades 1-12 to Sept. 6. The Sept. 7 start date for pre-K and K student remains unchanged.

Teachers will return to school on Aug. 28 for professional development days, but the extra day on Sept. 5 is needed for crucial safety training for staff.

View the final 2023-2024 calendar on the district website.