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Crossing Guard "Superheroes" Needed

All City Management Services is looking for “local superheroes” to become crossing guards serving Portland Public Schools students.

Here's a message from the company that hires these vital employees who help keep PPS kids safe: 

"Seeking “Local Superheroes” to join our team in Portland! Join the team that is dedicated to Keeping Kids Safe in Portland as they bike and walk to and from school! Become a School Crossing Guard! School Crossing Guards work school days only; NO nights, weekends or holidays. Flexible schedules possible.

Seniors welcome! Must be 18 years or older to apply. Supplement your income: Earn $32.00 per day, committing to less than 2 hours a day, school days only. Call Area Supervisor Erica (207) 680-0180,

For more information, visit: