Deering High School's Trivia Team proudly announces their inaugural Winter Invitational Quiz Bowl Tournament – set to take place on Saturday, March 2, from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Deering High School, located at 370 Stevens Avenue.
The event, organized by the Deering Trivia Team, aims to bring together high school students from across Maine to showcase their knowledge and compete in a daylong battle of wits. In addition to Deering High School, participating schools include Brunswick High School, Fort Kent High School, Hebron Academy, Marshwood High School, Orono High School, Windham High School, and Morse High School.
Teams will engage in ten rounds of rigorous trivia, testing their breadth of knowledge across various subjects. The top three teams will be awarded trophies, while the top ten individual performers will receive special prizes for their outstanding achievements.
The Deering Trivia Team club was founded two years ago by students with a passion for trivia competition. Under the guidance of science teacher Cyle Davenport, a former bar trivia host and faculty advisor of the Trivia Team, the club has flourished, competing in numerous tournaments and even representing Maine at the NAQT National Championship in Atlanta, Georgia, last May.
“We are excited to host our first Winter Invitational Quiz Bowl Tournament and welcome students from across Maine to join us for a day of friendly competition and intellectual stimulation," Davenport said.