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EECS Bench Memorializes Josh Seal

As the state of Maine this fall remembers those lost to senseless gun violence last October in Lewiston, East End Community School and the Maine Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (MECDHH) are celebrating the life of Joshua Seal with a beautiful memorial bench. 

Josh's memorial bench sits on Munjoy Hill, overlooking the city and Portland's back cove, next to the evergreen planted by students in Josh's memory.

Josh Seal was 36 when he died in the Oct. 25, 2023 attack in Lewiston.

Josh worked for MECDHH as an educational technician at East End Community School for seven years. More importantly, Josh was a parent of four children also part of the PPS community, as well as a beloved husband, friend and colleague. 

He also was the director of interpreting services for Pine Tree Society and founded Camp Dirigo Experience for deaf children and teens. Josh's advocacy for the deaf community knew no limits.

You can help keep Josh's memory alive and carry on his work by donating to PIne Tree Camp's Dirigo Experience – which brings Maine's deaf and hard of hearing youth together for a unique six-night camp adventure at this link:


Bench at EECS memorializing Joshua Seal photo 2
Joshua Seal at work interpreting
Photo of bench at EECS that memorialized former staff member Joshua Seal