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PPS Grieves Loss of King Student

The Portland Public Schools family mourns the loss of a sixth-grade student in a tragic incident that occurred June 16. Rachsombath “Rex” Rasmey, a beloved member of the King Middle School family, passed away in a drowning accident at the Presumpscot River. Rex’s smile, sense of humor and positive energy will be deeply missed.

The last day of school for students was Friday, June 14, so school is not in session. However, to ensure that students have the support they need, King has scheduled teachers, counselors and social workers to be available today, Monday, June 17, from 11:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Additionally, King staff will be available at the Kennedy Park Community Center in the Solterra room between 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

The Portland Public Schools sends deepest condolences to Rex’s family. We will remember Rex for the joy he brought into our lives and the positive impact he had on our school community.

Services for Rex will be held at the Watt Samaki Cambodian Buddhist Temple in Buxton on Sunday, June 23, at 10:30 am.