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Vision Van to Visit PPS Schools

The Foundation for Portland Public Schools (FPPS) is thrilled to bring vision vans to the Portland Public Schools (PPS) to provide students with free eye exams and glasses. On January 6-8, 2025, a van from Boston-based 20/20 Onsite will provide vision screenings, eye exams, and glasses to dozens of PPS students at no cost to their families. The van will visit Reiche Community School, Gerald E. Talbot Community School, and Portland Adult Education.

In addition, Greater Portland Health (GPH), a federally qualified health practice that provides health services in school- based clinics in Portland, Deering and Casco Bay High Schools, has expanded their services to include an optometrist on site monthly. GPH can now provide full vision exams and students can order eyeglasses with their MaineCare coverage, something that is not available in other local practices. Elementary- and middle-school students who are patients at GPH can schedule appointments with the optometrist through their office at 295 Park Ave.

School nurses in PPS conduct vision screenings annually. A student's family is notified when their child needs a more comprehensive exam with an optometrist. However, many of these families struggle to get appointments.

PPS School Nurse Coordinator Tina Veilleux explained, “For years, Portland school nurses have cobbled together a patchwork of free and low-cost vision programs that come and go. Many of our students have MaineCare, which does include vision coverage, but it can be challenging to get a MaineCare appointment with an optometrist in Portland, especially if the student needs an interpreter. It is also extremely difficult for families to get glasses because few optometrists accept MaineCare for glasses. There is a backlog of students in need of vision exams and glasses.”

Veilleux shared this challenge with Andi Summers, the Executive Director of the Foundation for Portland Public Schools, hoping to find community resources to help solve the problem.

“The Foundation for Portland Public Schools exists to listen and respond with proactive solutions to strengthen learning,” said Summers. “We believe that every student deserves a good foundation in school. The ability to see clearly is critical to being able to access learning.” FPPS has hired 20/20 Onsite to visit Portland for three days in January to bring their mobile optometry clinic to the Portland Public Schools. Students who participate will receive a comprehensive eye exam and will be able to select at least one free pair of prescription eyeglasses. Veilleux said, “The vision van will address the urgent need for some elementary-age students to get exams and glasses. Ongoing care can be transitioned to our GPH school-based clinics, GPH practice, or other local practices that the family chooses.” The vision van was made possible thanks to grants from the Sadie & Harry Davis Foundation; the Simmons Foundation; and a Catalyst Grant from the Kennebec Savings Bank Foundation; as well as contributions from Eyes on Rosemont and many local donors. Veilleux added, “Greater Portland Health continues to demonstrate their commitment to students in Portland by expanding their range of services. We are grateful to all of our community partners for supporting Portland students' vision health, which is crucial to success in school and in life.

Photo of girl getting eye exam

The Foundation for Portland Public Schools is a nonprofit organization with a mission to be a catalyst for increased educational opportunities, achievement, and equity for all Portland Public Schools students and staff. Learn more about us at

The Portland Public Schools is Maine’s largest school district, with nearly 6,600 students, and it’s also the most diverse. About one-third of the district’s students come from homes where languages other than English are spoken—a total of 59 languages. Approximately 47 percent of the district’s students are white and 53 percent are students of color. More than half of PPS students are economically disadvantaged.

20/20 Onsite is a Boston-based organization with a mission to go the extra mile to make high-quality vision care more accessible, creating healthier and happier communities. This program is an opportunity to do exactly that. Since 75% of learning is visual, students who struggle to see the board or other classroom materials can face long-term educational and socioeconomic challenges. With 1 in 4 children needing glasses, we understand how difficult it can be for families to find nearby providers or take time off work to manage appointments. Our goal is to bring screenings, eye exams, and glasses directly to students—at school.