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Flyer for All Staff Welcome Event Aug. 28, 2024

The Portland Public Schools launched the 2024-2025 school year in a new way this year: The entire staff of approximately 1,400 PPS employees gathered in one space – Merrill Auditorium – on Aug. 28 to kick off the new school year as one district.

Although students won’t return to school until Sept. 3, teachers and other school staff began this week. Typically, everyone in the district starts each school year in separate schools and at Central Office. This year, the district used a different, one-team approach for 2024-2025 to generate energy, inspire all PPS employees and create a shared sense of belonging. 

The Aug. 28 All Staff Welcome included musical and spoken word performances from students and PPS alumni, as well as remarks from school, city and state leaders. Mayor Mark Dion said his two adult daughters attended PPS schools and he spoke of the lasting positive impact their education has had on their lives. He recounted stories of inspirational teachers in his own life, who he said were “in love with teaching.” He encouraged teachers to renew that feeling each school year. In recorded remarks, Gov. Janet Mills, Maine Commissioner of Education Pender Makin and Deputy Education Commissioner Daniel Chuhta delivered messages welcoming back PPS employees and thanking them for their dedication and service to Maine’s largest and most diverse school district. Board of Public Education Chair Sarah Lentz also expressed her gratitude to staff for all they do to ensure student success.

District and school leaders were invited to dance up onto the stage as rock music played and each led individual cheers for each school and department. Staff wore t-shirts and other gear specific to their school or department and some even wore costumes of school mascots. All attendees also had opportunities to electronically provide feedback on various district goals and initiatives.

A key focus of the event was Superintendent Ryan Scallon’s presentation of the district’s new five-year strategic plan. Approved by the Board of Public Education in June, the plan is the result of a tremendous effort over the past year by the whole PPS community, working and talking together about how best to fulfill the district’s unique potential. The plan has five priorities – Equity, Achievement, Whole Student, People and Systems – with specific initiatives tied to each priority every year of the plan. It also includes ways to measure progress.

The presentation provided all employees with a foundational understanding of the strategic plan and the district’s priorities for 2024-2025. “One team, one plan,” Scallon told the gathering.

One PPS educator afterwards called the event “positive, informative, and fun.” She said, “As a fairly new PPS employee, I really appreciated seeing the entire district staff and leadership together, and learning about the big picture of our collective work…Feeling very hopeful about the 2024-2025 school year!”

The Portland Public Schools is Maine’s largest school district, with more than 6,600 students, and it’s also the most diverse. About one-third of the district’s students come from homes where languages other than English are spoken—a total of 53 languages. Approximately 48 percent of the district’s students are white and 52 percent are students of color. Nearly half of PPS students qualify for free or reduced-price school meals.