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Maine DOE Seeks Public Feedback on the EPS Funding Formula

The Maine Department of Education (DOE) is conducting a targeted review of general-purpose aid for local schools through the state’s Essential Programs and Services (EPS) Funding Formula. Its review will focus on recruitment, retention, salaries and benefits; property valuation as a determinant of municipal ability to pay; regional cost differences; and a comparison of other states’ mechanisms. Maine DOE is slated to deliver a report to the Maine Legislature on its findings on March 15.

In an effort to include a variety of stakeholder voices from regions all across Maine, the Maine DOE is conducting a series of listening sessions to receive your feedback. While DOE hopes superintendents, teachers, school business officers, directors of special services, and career and technical education directors will join in these conversations, participation is not limited to those within the field of education. Learn more about DOE's upcoming virtual listening sessions during the week of Sept. 23.