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 Mark Your Calendars: June 13 Is School Budget Vote

The City Council unanimously approved the $143.8 million school budget for the 2023-2024 school year on May 15. The budget now goes to city voters for validation on Tuesday, June 13. 

The budget  is responsive to the incredible, vast, and often conflicting needs of the Portland Public Schools at a time of daunting fiscal challenges. It reinvests in core operations such as finance and human resources, while also investing in student-facing staff to support all students, including many newly arrived multi-language learners. The budget also strives to anticipate and plan for the FY25 budget, when the district will no longer have access to federal COVID money and will likely face decreased funding from the state level. This budget does all that while being mindful of the tax burden on Portland residents in a year when inflation is higher than most can remember. Please don’t forget to vote. Absentee voting has already begun. 

You’ll find complete voting information on the city’s website.