Move the tables and desks aside. Turn off and put away your devices. We’re circling up!
This year, PPS students and staff have been meeting regularly in circles.
Whether it’s a 1st grade morning meeting at Reiche, 7th grade advisory at Moore, 12th grade Crew at Casco Bay, family event at Lyseth, staff meeting at Lincoln, or a meeting among district administrators at Central Office, we are increasingly meeting in circles.
Rooted in Black and Indigenous practices and supported by research, PPS is meeting in circles in an effort to transform student-student, student-adult, adult-adult relationships and foster safe learning environments through community building and constructive dialogue.
Please join us to learn a bit about community and restorative circles, how they are used in schools, and how the PTO can get involved in building parent and family understanding about the practice. While the use of circles in the restorative practice context will be addressed, the focus of the evening will be on their value in building and maintaining strong learning environments.