Staff & Community Newsletter - April 14, 2023
April 13, 2023
Dear Portland Public Schools families, staff and community members,
Daffodils are blooming, the days are warmer and we’re about to begin April break. These are all clear signs that we’ve turned the corner and spring is finally here.
This also is school budget season, and we marked a milestone in the annual budget process this week: The Portland Board of Public Education voted on Tuesday to approve a $143.8 million school budget for the 2023-2024 school year to send to the City Council.
News Center Maine, Channel 6 was there to capture the excitement of the first day of the Portland Public Schools 9th Annual STEM Expo, held on March 31 at Portland High School. Curiosity reigns supreme as STEM expo returns in-person.
Lyman Moore Middle School students enhanced their understanding of what it means to be an American when the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) naturalized 30 candidates for citizenship during a ceremony at the school on Friday, April 7.
This WGME, Channel 13 story is about a generous anonymous donation to help increase music and art opportunities for PPS students Portland Schools get major boost for music, arts.
Portland and Deering high schools on April 4 announced the hiring of a new head field hockey coach for the district’s co-op team: Kristin Rogers.
This News Center Maine, Channel 6 story is about the amazing Portland Public Schools high school student art show at the Lewis Gallery at the Portland Public Library, open until April 21. Check it out! Portland Public Library showcases student art.
Due to the four snow days held this school year (on Jan. 20 and 23, Feb. 28 and March 14), the last day of school for students will now be Wednesday June 21. The last day for teachers will be Thursday, June 22. These dates have been updated on the live District calendar . You can also view and download a PDF version of the yearly calendar on that page.
Students in the Make It Happen! Program at Lyman Moore Middle School are embarking on a community-building cooking project. A senior at Deering High School is creating a welcoming Persian mural for the school. A Portland High School senior has curated a show of artwork from Portland Public Schools high students that is currently on display at the Portland Public Library’s Lewis Gallery. All these student-led projects are made possible with grants from Painting for a Purpose.
Deering High School juniors Pedro Lombi, a top wrestler, and basketball all-star Maya Gayle are The Forcaster's Deering Rams Winter Athletes of the Year.
Portland High School junior Nathan Blades, a track standout, and Jane Flynn, girls' hockey prolific goal scorer, are Portland Bulldogs Winter Athletes of the Year,
The Forecaster also selected Joe Russo, Portland High School’s boys' basketball coach, as the Winter Coach of the Year for a boys’ team.
Congratulations to all for the well-deserved recognition!
Congratulations to the Deering High School trivia team for their outstanding performance in the World Quest Maine competition on Saturday, April 1, held on the UNUM campus! The team's dedication and hard work paid off, as they earned an impressive second place in the state. The competition is far from trivial: World Quest is a nationwide test of world events and global literacy sponsored by the World Affairs Councils of America, in which the student teams raced to answer questions on global issues, current events, world history, geography and more. Learn more.
Portland High School’s top-scoring mathletes competed in the 44th Maine State Math Meet in Augusta last week. The Augusta Civic Center was able to host the event in-person for the first time since 2019, allowing 880 high school students from across the state to come together and exercise their shared love of math.
Deering High School’s Greg Tosi was among eight athletic trainers across Maine recently named as legends in the field by the Maine Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (MIAAA).
Please join us to learn a bit about community and restorative circles, how they are used in schools, and how the PTO can get involved in building parent and family understanding about the practice. While the use of circles in the restorative practice context will be addressed, the focus of the evening will be on their value in building and maintaining strong learning environments.
METRO invites all members of the public and stakeholders to attend a METRO Board workshop on Thursday, April 27, from 4pm-7pm to discuss the state of the transit industry and outline the visioning and goals of METRO's strategic planning process. and let METRO know what you think that the future of METRO should look like. You can attend in person at METRO's Administrative Offices, 114 Valley St., Portland or attend virtually (which is encouraged, due to space constraints). Zoom link HERE.
You're Invited to Spring for Teachers, a Foundation for Portland Public Schools event.
What: A celebration and fundraiser to benefit PPS students
When: Tuesday, May 9th at 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Where: Bunker Brewing Co,17 Westfield St Unit D, Portland
Tickets: Available on Eventbrite
Portland Adult Education is pleased to present the next installment of PAE Voices Series on May 10. Join us for a thought-provoking conversation as we explore educational philosophies!
This year, the city of Portland is hosting an Earth Day Celebration and is inviting residents and families to join in
PPS educators: The Foundation for Portland Public Schools Summer Innovation Grants Program applications are open! Apply here.
The Maine Department of Education, in collaboration with Maine educators, is excited to announce the L.I.F.E. Readiness Program Career Exploration Fair. This opportunity is for ALL scholars with I.E.P.s to engage with hands-on career exploration activities designed to help students experience, learn, and develop an interest in their future career choices. Students can explore up to 10 career clusters at the career fair and complete transition-aligned activities and record self-directed assessments in their event “Passport.” Learn more
Upcoming Events
Parent University
Community Building and Restorative Circles
April 26, 2023 5:30-7:30 PM Lincoln Middle School
Spring for Teachers
Event by the Foundation for PPS
May 9, 2023 5:30-7:30 PM Bunker Brewing
Portland Adult Ed Voices Series
Perspectives on Educational Philosophies
May 10, 2023 6:00-7:30 PM Register at