Staff & Community Newsletter - Feb 17, 2023
Dear Portland Public Schools families, staff and community members,
In our last newsletter, we took the opportunity to highlight examples of meaningful STEM teaching and learning taking place in our schools. In this letter, we’d like to turn the spotlight on the innovative humanities and English language arts teaching and learning in PPS schools going on at every grade level. Here are a few examples.
We’re very proud that one of our humanities/social studies teachers – Matt Bernstein at Casco Bay High School – is the 2023 Maine Teacher of the Year. Matt loves teaching, as he explains in this Q & A with the Maine Department of Education. And Matt recently taught Casco students what it’s like to be a teacher – through a unique, experiential learning experience designed to encourage students to consider becoming teachers themselves.
The Portland Board of Public Education Public Schools this fall created a Superintendent Search Committee to find a new superintendent to lead Maine’s largest and most diverse school district by June 2023. The Search Committee, made up of Board members and community representatives from various stakeholder groups, is aided in the search process by the Alma Advisory Group, a professional search firm.
Every January and April, Casco Bay High School pauses classes so students can engage in week-long, elective courses called intensives, in which students can study a topic in depth, all day, for five days. This January, the school offered a new intensive called “Casco Teaches.” It was designed to introduce students to the world of teaching and to the concept of teaching as a future profession
Casco Bay High School humanities and social studies teacher Matt Bernstein is the 2023 Maine Teacher of the Year. Matt explains why he loves teaching and what he plans to focus on as 2023 Maine TOY in a Q & A with the Maine Department of Education.
In their monthly column in the Portland Forecaster, Interim Co-Superintendents Melea Nalli and Aaron Townsend write about the compelling STEM learning going on in PPS classrooms. Read their column, titled: "STEM learning rigorous and engaging at all levels."
Do you have a child who will be 5 years old by October 15, 2023? If so, your child will be eligible for Kindergarten. Registration for School Year 2023-24 for this age group starts February 27 and ends on March 17. More information can be found on our website under Kindergarten Enrollment.
The Maine State Board of Education is currently seeking applications for the newest student member to join the Board. Applications are being accepted February 1 – March 1, 2023. Public high school sophomores in Maine’s First Congressional District (Cumberland, Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, York, and part of Kennebec County) are eligible. Learn more.
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