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PATHS Student Attains Cybersecurity Milestone

A student in the groundbreaking cybersecurity program at the Portland Arts and Technology High School (PATHS) has achieved a significant milestone by passing the CompTIA CySA+ Certification Exam, making him the first PATHS student to accomplish this feat. The program also has an outstanding instructor.

The student, Harry Brahms, dedicated his first semester to preparing for this certification, demonstrating unwavering determination and hard work, said Nate Jalbert, PATHS cybersecurity instructor. The exam validates high-level cybersecurity analytic skills, and CompTIA normally recommends that candidates have four years of work experience to be able to succeed on the exam.

“This achievement not only reflects Harry’s commitment but also positions him for a highly successful career in the future,” Jalbert said. Harry’s sending school is South Portland High School.

When it launched in 2019, PATHS’ cybersecurity program was the first programming entirely focused on cybersecurity at a high school Career and Technical Education Center (CTE) in Maine, said PATHS Director Kevin Stilphen. He said other CTEs now are starting cybersecurity programs.

“High school IT courses may touch on cybersecurity but not to the breadth and depth of the PATHS program,” Stilphen said. “We also have an outstanding instructor; Mr. Jalbert’s content knowledge, teaching skills, and way with students are second to none.”

According to CompTIA, the CySA+ certification attests that successful candidates possess the knowledge and skills necessary to detect and analyze indicators of malicious activity, understand threat intelligence and management, respond to attacks and vulnerabilities, perform incident response, and effectively report and communicate related activities. PATHS congratulates Harry this outstanding accomplishment!