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Student Art Displays at Central Office Launched

The district has begun hosting student art shows at Central Office, located at 353 Cumberland Avenue. The first show opened on Dec. 1, coinciding with the city’s First Friday Artwalk. The show features the work of talented students from Deering and Portland high schools as well as PATHS; King Middle School; and East End, Longfellow, Presumpscot, Reiche, Rowe and Talbot elementary schools. As with any of our student art shows, this exhibit also serves as a way to showcase the important teaching ongoing  in PPS art classes by our amazing art teachers. 

Visitors to Central Office can enjoy the artwork lining the halls and in the glass display windows along Cumberland Avenue. 

This exhibit will be up for three or four months. Moving forward, the plan is to regularly rotate the student art shows every few months to give other students an opportunity to display their work. Openings of new shows also will take place on a First Friday.