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Bravo! To Students Learning French at Portland High School

Bravo! To Students Learning French at Portland High School 

Susannah Green, French teacher at Portland High School, shared the following message about the recent accomplishments of PHS students: 

"French students at Portland High School were recently invited to participate in the 89th annual National French Contest (Le Grand Concours), a competition sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French. The test evaluates written, oral and listening comprehension skills in French. Please extend congratulations to these students who have ranked nationally: Theodora Dugas, Nell Fernald, Andrea Lancia, Miradie Nguala, Ella Vinkemulder, Emma Walsh, Wyatt Wander and Riley Wildes, with the distinction of mention honorable awarded to Nell Fernald, Ella Vinkemulder and Emma Walsh. Nearly 45,000 students in the U.S. and abroad competed in the 2024 event. We commend these students for their engagement and achievement in French, which will serve them well as they use these linguistic and communication skills throughout their personal and professional lives. Congratulations to all! Félicitations à vous tous!"