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CBHS Students Win 2024 Maine Literary Awards and their Teacher is Finalist!

CBHS Students Win 2024 Maine Literary Awards and their Teacher is Finalist!

Two Casco Bay High School students were named winners in the youth competition of the 2024 Maine Literary Awards administered by the Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance (MWPA). Also, their teacher was a finalist for a book award in the adult competition.

Casco Bay ninth-grader Avery Olson won the Youth Competition in Fiction category for “Memories.” Sophie Kilbrith, a Casco Bay 11th-grader, won the Youth Competition in Nonfiction for “Nobody’s Perfect, But Some Like It That Way.” In addition, Casco English teacher Rebecca Turkewitz was a finalist for the Book Award for Fiction for her collection of short stories, titled “Here in the Night.”

The students’ success “is really quite the accomplishment,” Turketwitz said. “It’s open to all Maine students. It's very, very competitive.” 

Nearly 400 youth and adult writers sent in their work for consideration in the annual contest. View the lists of winners and finalists.