We’re at the conclusion of a yearlong effort during 2023-2034 to develop a new five-year Strategic Plan for the Portland Public Schools, which the Board of Public Education will take a final vote on at its June 18th meeting. The plan is a transformative document that provides a clear roadmap to making our school district the best it can be. It began with a Listen and Learn phase that involved the entire community. Next was the Development phase, which was guided by the Strategic Plan Steering Committee – a diverse, city-wide group of stakeholders. Aligning the budget to the plan was the third phase – ensuring that the Portland Public Schools’ budget is aligned to and supports the work of the Strategic Plan. The priorities established in our new plan assisted us in crafting a fair and responsive FY25 budget that was resoundingly approved by Portland voters on June 11, and it will continue to inform future budget priorities.
The plan’s Five Strategic Priorities are: Equity at the Center, Achievement, Whole Student, People and Systems.