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Equity & Belonging

At the Portland Public Schools, we want our learners to be fully prepared to participate and succeed in a diverse and ever-changing world. To achieve that vision, we must create a learning community that supports and nurtures the interests, talents, and unique identities of everyone who is a part of PPS. This means ensuring that our curricula, policies, and practices are addressing, not contributing to, persistent and pervasive social and educational inequities. It also means ensuring that PPS is a workplace where people feel belonging and passionate about their commitment to public education.

Equity Definition for PPS

Our policy defines equity as all people being held to high expectations and having access to opportunities that are reflective of their individual needs, identities and experiences. Equity is achieved in the Portland Public Schools when there are no identifiable differences in outcomes and experiences for any population sub-group (race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, etc). 

Our Equity Work

At the Center:

Ensuring equity of experiences and access throughout PPS is central to our work.

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Leaders Cohort:

We use this system-wide approach to ensure professional development on topics related to equity literacy. 

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PPS is building a strong and inclusive staff culture where staff are valued, affirmed, effective, and supported.

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Equity Policy