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School Building Assessments

The City of Portland and its Public Schools occupy multiple buildings of different generations. Over this period of time, security requirements, technology, sustainability, building codes, and accessibility requirements, have all greatly changed and evolved. All of these have an impact on the ability of a facility to function as it was intended and as it needs to, in order to serve its occupants into the future. In the Fall of 2016, Portland Public Schools engaged Sebago Technics and its consultants to develop a Comprehensive Facilities Assessment and Capital Spending Plan for the City’s seventeen school facilities.

The scope was two-fold:

  • Perform a physical assessment of the facilities to identify the deficiencies
  • Develop a comprehensive twenty-year Capital Plan for each facility to implement recommended repairs and improvements.

The assessment included evaluations and documentation of the existing conditions of the seventeen buildings included in the study. Our team reviewed the overall condition of the structures and compliance with federal, state, local and accessibility codes. We investigated all components of the structural systems and exterior envelopes to assess rain, air, heat, and vapor control. Furthermore, we evaluated all building systems and utilities including HVAC, automatic temperature controls (ATC), electrical, plumbing, fire protection, communications, security, food service equipment, water and septic systems. Learn more:

View Schools Assessment - Volume 1