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FY 2025 School Budget Development Calendar and Documents

The Portland Public Schools formally kicked off the development of the budget process for the 2024-2025 school year with a public budget forum on Feb. 6, 2024. The process for the fiscal year 2025 (FY25) budget is slated to conclude on June 11, 2024, when city voters decide in a public budget referendum whether to approve the school budget.

View Budget Calendar

The budget calendar includes the March 5 presentation by Superintendent Ryan Scallon of his recommended FY25 school budget to the Portland Board of Public Education. April 9 was the date when the Board – after weeks of considering the superintendent’s budget recommendations – voted to send its $161.4 million  Board-recommended FY25 school budget to the City Council. The Council sets the bottom line of the school budget. After weeks of further review, discussion and public hearings, the Council voted on May 20 to send the school budget recommended by the Board to referendum. Portland city voters get the final say on the school budget at the polls on June 11.

Community engagement around the budget was ongoing throughout the budget process. All Board and City budget meetings are open to the public and there were numerous opportunities for public comment. We encourage everyone to remain informed and engaged throughout the FY25 budget process – up to and including the June 11 referendum! Voting information can be found on the Elections & Voting page on the City of Portland’s website.

Budget Development Materials

City Voters Approve FY25 School Budget!

Superintendent Ryan Scallon and Board of Public Education Chair Sarah Lentz issued a statement in response to city voters’ resounding approval June 11 of the Portland Public Schools’ budget for fiscal year 2025.

This year, for the first time, the school budget was presented in a more comprehensive manner, with all revenues and expenses presented, not just those in the local budget. The FY25 school budget totals $161.4 million and is made up of $154 million in local funds and about 7 million in non-local funds.

Read More about City Voters Approve FY25 School Budget!