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COVID-19 protocols

Our COVID-19 protocols follows CDC guidance and is outlined below:

  • Anyone who tests positive for COVID 19 should stay home and isolate from others. Staff (and students) can return to school/work when they are  feeling  better AND are fever free for at least 24 hours (without fever reducing medicine.
  • When a person returns to school/work, they should wear a well-fitting mask for 5 days.
  • If symptoms recur, staff should stay home until symptoms improve and are fever free at least 24 hours.  

Staff will continue to promote strong hand and respiratory hygiene. Practice hand washing at home with young children.

Middle and high school athletes will continue to need a medical clearance from their healthcare provider to return to play after testing positive for COVID-19. Please contact your school nurse if your child does not have a healthcare provider and we will help you find one. Players and families are responsible for providing their coaches with “return to play” documentation from their healthcare provider. Guidelines will be updated in accordance with recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics

All staff and students are strongly encouraged to get  COVID-19 vaccines. Talk to your healthcare provider about all recommended vaccines and keep up to date on all vaccinations to keep you and those around you healthy. Vaccines are available for students enrolled in our School Based Health Centers at King Middle School and Deering, Portland and Casco Bay High Schools. Students should contact the school nurse at those schools to make an appointment.