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Work Permits

Directions for Students Applying for Work Permits

  1. The student must be under the age of 16 and older than 14 unless working in agriculture or as an actor or model. 
  2. Please bring Proof of age, (Passport, Birth Certificate, IC information with photo)
  3. The student must be enrolled in school; not habitually truant; not under suspension ; and passing a majority of courses during the current grading period.
  4. The student must have the “promise of a job” from employer.
  5. Apply for the permit at the student's school's main office or Guidance Office.
  6. The work permit is valid only for the employer and positions listed on the permit as issued by the Department Of Labor. 

Students will need to provide the following forms to the their school's main office or Guidance Office: 

  • Maine State Work Permit Form
  • Show documentation that provides student’s date of birth; 
  • Work Permit Authorization Form signed by the Guidance Office (contact the school's main office during summer vacation); and
  • Parent signature on work permit 

PLEASE NOTE: If the student already has a work permit assigned and is changing jobs, the previous work permit must be surrendered when applying for a new permit.

Download Work Permit Packet