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Non-Discrimination, Policies, Inquiries, and Complaint Procedures

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Portland Public Schools complies with all applicable state and federal non-discrimination laws and regulations, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ancestry or national origin, age, disability, or genetic information.

Additional information concerning this notice can be obtained by viewing the Board of Education’s Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action notice:

Discrimination/Harassment Policies and Complaint Procedures

The District’s Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policies, and procedures for filing complaints of discrimination and/or harassment are found below:


Any student or other individual who believes that a student has been discriminated against or harassed on any of the above-identified bases – including instances in which a student may have been sexually harassed or assaulted – are encouraged to contact the school Principal or the Portland Public Schools Student Equity Officer (Title IX Coordinator) for further information or to file a complaint:

The Portland Public Schools Student Equity Officer (Title IX Coordinator), Tyler Schwaller, may be reached at:  

353 Cumberland Avenue, Portland, ME 04101

Call (207) 842-5332Email

Any employee who believes that s/he has been discriminated against or harassed on any of the above-identified bases – including instances in which the employee may have been sexually harassed or assaulted – is encouraged to contact the school Principal or the Portland Public Schools Assistant Director of Employee and Labor Relations for further information or to file a complaint:

The Portland Public Schools Director of Employee and Labor Relations, Richard Moore, may be reached at:  

353 Cumberland Avenue, Portland, ME 04101

Call (207) 874-8125Email

Questions, requests for information, or complaints by students regarding discrimination or harassment based on disability, or regarding accommodations for a student with a disability, should be directed to the Director of Student Support Services and Section 504 Coordinator.

The the Director of Student Support Services and Section 504 Coordinator, Jesse Applegate, may be reached at:

353 Cumberland Avenue, Portland, ME 04101

Call (207) 874-8134Email


Instances of bullying and cyberbullying (including bullying that does not involve the protected classes described above), the responsibility of staff to report bullying, and the responsibility of school administration to respond, are addressed as follows: