Make It Happen!
Make It Happen! (MIH) is a program that provides multilingual students with a pathway to academic success and college readiness. Enrichment and Academic Centers are located in Portland's three middle schools and three high schools. Make It Happen! exposes students to programming and resources that develop confidence and leadership skills, as well as building strong academic profiles.
Site Coordinators, PPS staff located at each site, work with students to guide them towards a wide variety of civic engagement and extended learning opportunities (ELO). In addition, Site Coordinators collaborate with guidance counselors, classroom teachers, and school administrators to design meaningful and student-centered approaches for the Make It Happen! participants.
Academic Coaches
MIH! students in grades 6-12 benefit from the generosity of our community through the volunteer program at the Portland Public Schools. Unique to this program, volunteers are referred to as Academic Coaches and meet students 1-2 hours per week. Site Coordinators match students with volunteers based on mutual interests, skills, and academic support needed.