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Transportation Services

The mission of Transportation Services is the safe and efficient transportation of students to and from school. We will create conditions that contribute to the success of students by providing each with a comfortable, reliable, and safe service that responds to the ever- changing needs of the Portland Public Schools diverse student population.

Transportation Services currently operates over 200 daily schedules. To and from school Transportation is provided daily to approximately 2,300 students.

Many school buses of varying configurations are utilized. School buses generate in excess of 400,000 vehicle miles annually. Boardings will average around 1.1 million per year. Additionally, Transportation Services provided over 2,800 activity, athletic, summer school, and FLS (functional life skills) trips during the last school year.

The transportation office is regularly open from 6:00 AM until 4:30 PM. 

Through a partnership agreement, Greater Portland Metro provides transportation for students attending Portland Public High Schools.

Accessing information from METRO can be done in a number of ways:

Metro Website

Click Here


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