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High School Transportation

Students attending Casco Bay, Deering, or Portland High School ride METRO (city buses) with regular passengers instead of of taking a traditional yellow school bus. High school students will receive a DiriGo Pass smartcard or access to the DiriGo Pass mobile app to travel to school on Greater Portland Metro and other participating regional public transit systems.

The DiriGo Pass also provides transportation access to students after school, nights, weekends, and during school breaks. For schedules, trip planner, bus tracking, and more, visit

For additional information:

Click Here

Portland Public High School Students must have their DiriGo Pass ready when boarding the bus.
Tap DiriGo Pass Smartcards on reader when boarding the bus.
Students with the DiriGo TouchPass mobile should scan the QR code.

There are two ways to get a bus pass

Special Education Transportation: 

Special needs students are assigned transportation on an as needed basis. All students not otherwise capable of utilizing regular transportation services, and whose IEP (Individual Education Plan) indicates a need for special bussing, will be provided with transportation resources tailored to the individual needs of the student.

Special needs transportation utilizes specialized vehicles. These vehicles are generally smaller than the conventional school bus and contain such equipment as wheel chair lifts, additional restraint systems, and lower step heights. All special needs school buses are ADA compliant. Special needs routes also have driver assistants on board to help with the myriad of individual needs and possible emergency situations that may arise.

For more information concerning special needs transportation you can contact the learning strategist at your child’s school or the Special Services Department at (207) 874-8134.