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School Bus Drop-Off, Conduct & Safety Instructions

Bus Drop-Off Procedures for Pre-K, Kindergarteners & Students With Specialized Needs

The Portland Public Schools is committed to the safety of all students not only at school, but also when they are being transported to and from school. We want to remind you of our transportation policy when dropping off students.

The following steps will be taken to ensure students’ safety:

  • Our first day of school for students in 1st - 12th grade is Wednesday September 6th.
  • Our first day of school for pre-K and kindergarten students is Thursday, September 7th.
  • Please review your transportation card for the approximate time frame when your student will be dropped off in the afternoon.
  • All pre-K, kindergarten, and students requiring additional support will only be allowed off the bus if a guardian is present at the stop.
  • If a guardian is not present, the bus will wait two additional minutes and then the bus driver will continue their route with the student remaining on the bus. 
  • After the bus has completed the route, the bus driver will return the student to their school, where they can be picked up by a parent or guardian.

If families have questions or concerns regarding their child’s transportation, they should reach out to the main office staff at their child’s school.