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Transitioning to High School

Portland’s high schools have many wonderful features. We are rightly proud of what our schools are able to offer our diverse student body. Enrollment in grades 9-12 (high school) is not assigned by the neighborhood where students live. Instead, students have the opportunity to tell us which high school in our city that they would prefer to attend. We have three high schools to choose from: Casco Bay High School, Deering High School, and Portland High School.All three of these high schools have a rich set of traditions and unique characteristics. We invite you to learn more about what each school has to offer by viewing their school profiles.

Assistant Superintendent's Letter to 8th Grade Families

Dear Class of 2029 Students and Families,

Choosing a high school is a significant milestone for both you and your student. It marks an important step in their educational journey. I hope your eighth-grade year is off to a great start and that you're feeling both prepared and excited for the transition to high school next fall! In Portland, we are fortunate to offer three excellent high school options: Casco Bay High School, Deering High School, and Portland High School. The time has come to decide which high school you'd prefer to attend in September 2025. This letter outlines the process and timeline to help you make this important decision.

Each student will be required to rank their preferences for a high school for next year. Students will be assigned to a high school based on the priorities outlined in the Educational Options Policy and the lottery rules. This procedure is designed to ensure that as many students as possible get their first preference while balancing enrollment at our high schools and ensuring their demographic makeup is representative of the overall district. Please see below for the steps and timelines associated with this process. 

High School Profiles

Learn more about what each of our high schools has to offer:

High School Comparison

2024-2025 PPS High School Options 

The Portland Public Schools are responsible for ensuring a challenging, relevant, and joyful education that empowers every learner to make a difference in the world. We build relationships among families, educators, and the community to promote the healthy development and academic achievement of every learner.

Casco Bay High School

School Profile

Deering High School

School Profile

Portland High School

School Profile